Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Egg Dying

Here are some photos from the night that E & the kids dyed eggs. Notice the egg that says "slam". The irony is that he put the tattoo on the egg & then started playing with the egg. E started to tell him to be careful with the egg & it went "slam". Once again, J had his eggs done in about 5 min & it took sis about 20 min to finish her. She is our perfectionist. :) It actually took J a few minutes to begin coloring his eggs...he was concerned that the chicken was in there. M proceeded to tell him that I had killed the baby chicken when I boiled the eggs. Such a sweet big sister she is...trying to scare her brother! Erik & I both have a bit of a twisted sense of humor, so she comes by it honestly.....

I also added some photos of my motley crue. I arrived home from a session to find the house quiet. I soon realized that everybody was outside. They were enjoying the beautiful weather that we had on Sat. E put a towel down for K & the "big" kids were eating crackers & snuggling with dad. This was K's first experience with grass. It went better than J's first experience with grass...that put me on the phone with poison control, (the first of many). Note: Regular 'ol lawn mushrooms are NOT poisonous. The pinwheels were an early Easter gift from great grandma.

I have a few photos from Easter day that I need to take off of the memory card. I have spent the day playing catch up & trying to get photos edited...so, I will get to those within the next few days.

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