Thursday, March 13, 2008

Calm before the Storm

Yesterday was a good day. Even with my teeth was a good day. :) We played in the backyard after M got home from school. I got a few shots of the kids just being themselves. M's photos are HER. Showing some attitude in her "horse outfit". Every piece of clothing that she owns has a horse on it. Or something to do with a horse. I have been told that her boots are THE cowgirl boots to have. I didn't know this when I bought them. They were pink boots. I couldn't go wrong. I love my sweet girl. She is that. All girl. One moment, she is happy & content. Helpful & kind. The next she is upset (usually with herself) because something isn't exactly perfect. She is mostly drama. She is my little best friend.

J's photos are showing a side of him that is rarely seen. Calm. Sweet. He is usually the clown. He loves to make people laugh. E & I always say that he does everything with his whole heart. He plays hard & he sleeps hard. There is no in between for J. He can be so sweet that my heart melts. He can be so ornery that my heart wants to burst. So, this was a rare moment for J. I should have gotten out my macro to get a shot of those lashes. In the next moment, Jase was back to being ornery. Teasing me & threatening to put a bug on me.

Today is a new day. It began with M running to the bathroom, (we joke that she is a professional puker because she has the routine down). E is sick too. As soon as I am finished posting photos...I will get back to sanitizing.

1 comment:

Addie said...

Great shots, I love them! They both look so much like you guys! And you should really scrapbook! That was such precious journaling about your kids, you need to get that down on paper for them to read later in life! I'm home sick today too, but feelling better now. Hope E gets to feeling better.