Monday, May 5, 2008

Wow. What a day!

I spent the morning trying to make sure that I have all orders placed so that they are direct shipped, or ready to go before I leave for vacation...we're STILL fighting colds, (everybody except me), so I took the boys to the doctors this afternoon. They had back to back appts, but they couldn't be seen by the same doctor...whatever...J had 2 strep cultures...both negative, but the PA wanted to be sure because his throat looks funky. She thinks that his allergies are just really bad. So, she revamped his allergy meds. He is all chapped around his lips & keeps licking it (DRIVING ME NUTSO). She said that is turning into a bacterial infection. So, one would think that she would prescribe antibiotics. Nope. She suggested putting an antifungal on it & put diaper rash ointment over that. Did I mention that it's right above his lip & he keeps licking it already? She said that it "shouldn't hurt him". Hmmm. I think that I will try the my leftover Newmans Ointment. She did say that although the drainage is not running out, but down the back of his throat...he needs a nasal spray. So, I asked how she expected me to give him a nasal spray. Has she ever given a (just turned) 4yo nasal spray? (she is actually the only person in this office of a gazillion docs that we have never seen). "no, but just have him blow his nose & then stick it in his nostril & point it toward the outside". Ya...I have a hard enough time getting him to let me help his blow his nose. I am so glad that we will be spending the next two weeks in a dryer climate. So, we leave J's appt 10min before K's appt & go out to the waiting area to wait. I actually had the thought, "oh, maybe they will get us in early...". Hello! You're in a doctors're not going to get in early! I am holding K. He is DONE being held & wants to crawl around, (his new found mobility is driving me nuts. the woes of being #3. we were so excited for #1 & #2 to learn to crawl...I'm not ready for K to be big yet). Sorry, I am NOT going to let you crawl around on the nasty doc office floor. Nice lady sits down next to me & thinks that because he is crying he must need something to chew on & hands him a magazine. Thanks for trying, but...Um, I don't let my kids chew on random crap at the doc office (or anywhere for that matter). So, I put the magazine back on the table & K starts screaming. Ya...I'm pretty much the bad guy cuz I won't let him eat a magazine. I call E (he has a raging sinus infec & really should be at home in bed), to let him know that I won't be able to pick M up because it's already 3pm & K hasn't been seen. His truck is being serviced for our trip, so he had to walk, (from his office), to the doc office. He picked J up & went to M's school. So, it's just K & I. We wait in the waiting area for another 30 min & then we're called back. We wait another 30 min in the room. At least they have the handy papers on the tables...that's pretty cool when you're almost 9mo. So, K ripped up about 2 miles of paper. I didn't care at that point. I am hot flashing & he is wanting to nurse, (but was too distracted by the paper). Finally, the docs wife, (nurse Kathy) comes in to help entertain. I LOVE our family docs, (well, our usual 2 docs anyhow)...I don't care for spending 3hrs in their office. So, it turns out that K has bronchitis. I just thought that he had a bit of a croupy cough & wanted it checked before we left. He is so good natured that he never acts "bothered" by anything. Poor little man. I came home & left all three with E & went back to get the RX's. So, since I am at Fred Meyer...I decide that since it's been a crummy day...I might as well bite the bullet & look at swimsuits for our trip. They had TONS of swimsuits, but really two to choose from. The suits for 18yo bodies. Or the suits for 60yo+. Well, I've had 3 kids...I'm not wearing a string bikini. On the other hand...I don't really want a suit with a skirt. After digging through the racks...I find a modest tankini & found some matching board shorts to go over the bottoms. I am NOT going to try it on in the dressing room...if I am going to start crying...I want to be in the privacy of my own home. Anyhow, I am home now...K is sleeping...J is "trying" not to lick around his mouth. M is wondering why we're fussing over the boys & not her. :) I tried on the swimsuit & got M's approval. You know that you can trust an almost 6yo. They do NOT lie! Now that I have typed all of that out...I realize that my day really could have been worse.... I hadn't anticipated spending 3+ hrs at the docs office.... I will be playing catch up tomorrow. Oh, well...WE GET TO SEE ART, SUMMER & the KIDLETS NEXT WEEK! I'm so excited that I could cry...well, maybe I just feel like crying because I'm tired & hormonal. Thanks for letting me have a "poor me" blog. I'll probably end up deleting this. :)


Addie said...

No, keep it on here! I like it! It reflects how life really is as the mom of 3 kids! Have a great vacation!

Summer said...

Ugh. I can hardly handle a 1 hour dr. appt! Well, I'm not too sure if the drier climate's going to help everyone, but here's to hoping! We can't wait for you guys to get here!!!

heather said...

Ahhhh...hasn't every mom of several young kids close in age been in a similar situation!? I am the same way about my kids playing with stuff at the doctor's office-you know the other kids that have been playing with that stuff were probably sick, that is why there were at the doctors! And helpful people who give your kids things like that-it can be irritating because if the solution was that easy you probably would have thought of it yourself! Then you end up having a fussy baby and an annoying adult to deal with. That is just not helpful. Anyway...

Hope your vacation is going really well. Good for you guys for doing this-you will make such great memories.